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Breaking Bad
Episode List
Generated on: 20:31:00 04 December 2014
1x1 - Pilot
When an unassuming high school chemistry teacher discovers he has a rare form of lung cancer, he decides to team up with a former student and create a top of the line crystal meth in a used RV, to provide for his family once he is gone.
1x2 - Cat's in the Bag...
Walt and Jesse attempt to tie up loose ends. The desperate situation gets more complicated with the flip of a coin. Walt's wife, Skyler, becomes suspicious of Walt's strange behavior.
1x3 - ...And the Bag's in the River
Walter fights with Jesse over his drug use, causing him to leave Walter alone with their captive, Krazy-8. Meanwhile, Hank has a scared straight moment with Walter Jr. after his aunt discovers he has been smoking pot. Also, Skylar is upset when Walter stays away from home.
1x4 - Cancer Man
Walter finally tells his family that he has been stricken with cancer. Meanwhile, the DEA believes Albuquerque has a new, big time player to worry about. Meanwhile, a worthy recipient is the target of a depressed Walter's anger, and Jesse makes a surprise visit to his parents home.
1x5 - Gray Matter
Walter and Skyler attend a former colleague's party. Jesse tries to free himself from the drugs, while Skyler organizes an intervention.
1x6 - Crazy Handful of Nothin'
The side effects of chemo begin to plague Walt. Meanwhile, the DEA rounds up suspected dealers.
1x7 - A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal
Walter accepts his new identity as a drug dealer after a PTA meeting. Elsewhere, Jesse decides to put his aunt's house on the market and Skyler is the recipient of a baby shower.
2x1 - Seven Thirty-Seven
Walt and Jesse try to figure a way out of their partnership with Tuco. Hank tries to mend the fences between Marie and Skyler.
2x2 - Grilled
With Walt and Jesse trapped with Tuco, Marie and Hank comfort Skyler over his disappearance. Hank visits Mrs. Pinkman.
2x3 - Bit by a Dead Bee
Walt and Jesse become short on cash when they try to cover their tracks. Meanwhile, the DEA has a lead that could point them straight to Walt and Jesse.
2x4 - Down
Walt attempts to reconnect with his family, while Jesse struggles to rebuild his life.
2x5 - Breakage
Hank suffers from the aftermath of his encounter with Tuco. Meanwhile, Jesse hires a crew to get their product out on the streets.
2x6 - Peekaboo
Walt's secret is in jeopardy when Skyler thanks Gretchen for paying for his treatment.
2x7 - Negro y Azul
Jesse and Walt discuss expanding into new territories; Hank struggles to fit in; Skyler pursues a new job opportunity; Jesse gets to know his landlord.
2x8 - Better Call Saul
Walt and Jesse seek advice from a shady attorney when Badger gets in trouble with the law; the DEA believes they have caught up with "Heisenberg" ; Hank returns.
2x10 - Over
Walt and Hank get into a heated argument at a party. Skyler opens up to her boss. Jane hides her relationship with Jesse from her father.
2x11 - Mandala
When unforeseen circumstances cause Walt and Jesse to lose some dealers, Saul suggests they add a new business partner. At work, Skylar confronts Ted about the unnerving information she had uncovered. Jane learns what Jesse does for a living when he opens up to her, which ends in disastrous results.
2x12 - Phoenix
As Walt explores money laundering options, he and Jesse spar over the profits from their latest deal. Jesse and Jane clash with her father. Walt makes a fatal decision.
2x13 - ABQ
Skylar confronts Walt about his secrecy; Jesse falls apart; and Jane's grief-stricken father takes action that results in further tragedy.
3x1 - No Mas
Walt faces a new threat on a new front and deals with an increasingly angry Skyler, who must consider what to do next with her life and the kids'. Meanwhile, Jesse comes face-to-face with some startling self-revelations.
3x2 - Caballo Sin Nombre
Despite ever-increasing tension between Walt and Skyler, he pulls out all the stops in an effort to reconcile with the family. Elsewhere, Saul is instrumental in getting Jesse involved in a most-unusual investment opportunity.
3x3 - I.F.T.
Walt ignores Skyler's demands, furthering the rift between them and pushing her to break bad. Still suffering from panic and anxiety attacks, Hank crosses a line at work.
3x4 - Green Light
Walt loses control as he reacts to Skyler's news, endangering his job and relationships with Saul and Jesse. Hank throws himself into his blue meth investigation. Jesse enacts a new plan.
3x5 - Mas
Gus increases his efforts to lure Walt back into business, forcing a rift between Walt and Jesse. Skyler doubts her new relationship. Marie confides in Skyler about her concern for Hank's well-being.
3x6 - Sunset
Walt settles into his new surroundings; Walt, Jr. wants answers about his parents' relationship; Hank's investigation causes problems for Walt and Jesse.
3x7 - One Minute
Hank's increasing volatility forces a confrontation with Jesse and trouble at work. Skyler pressures Walt to make a deal. Gus' actions have severe consequences.
3x8 - I See You
The family waits for news about Hank. While Jesse covers at the lab, Walt attempts to placate Gus. After witnessing a disturbing outburst, Walt worries he and his family are in danger.
3x9 - Kafkaesque
As Hank's hospital bills stack up, Skyler hatches a plan. Walt and Gus come to a better understanding. Jesse, looking for more independence, pursues a new opportunity.
3x10 - Fly
Walt becomes obsessed with a contaminant in the lab and refuses to finish the cook until it is eliminated. A frustrated Jesse attempts to get Walt back on track.
3x11 - ABQ
Skyler angażuje się w działalność Walta, natomiast Hank walczy o powrót do dawnej sprawności. Jesse dokonuje wstrząsającego odkrycia po spotkaniu z dziewczyną z terapii grupowej.
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3x12 - Pół miary
Wbrew zaleceniom Walta, Jesse wymierza sprawiedliwość. Obawiając się o bezpieczeństwo Jessego, Walt podejmuje drastyczne kroki. Tragiczne wydarzenie prowadzi do szokującej konfrontacji.
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3x13 - Pełna miara
Z Jessem w odwodzie i ścigany przez Mike'a, Walt negocjuje umowę z Gusem, knując ryzykowny plan zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa sobie i Jessemu.
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4x1 - Nóż do tapet
Życie Walta i Jessego zawisa na włosku, gdy Gus podejmuje poważne kroki, aby zagwarantować sobie ciągłość dostaw "czystego" produktu. W tym czasie Skyler obawia się o Walta, a Marie zakłąda maskę szczęśliwej, aby stawić czoła depresji Hanka.
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4x2 - Kaliber 38
Walt próbuje zawrzeć nowy sojusz. Skyler dąży do założenia nowego biznesu w nadziei na ochronę rodziny.
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4x3 - Dom otwarty
Skyler prosi o pomoc Saula. Tymczasem Marie powraca do starego hobby, a przyjaciel prosi Hanka o pomoc.
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4x4 - Dziury po kulach
Kartel zyskuje przewagę. Walt i Skyler dzielą się swym sekretem z rodziną, a działalność Jessego niezamierzenie zwraca uwagę.
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4x5 - Strzelba
Kiedy Jesse znika, Walt obawia się najgorszego. Skyler ma nieoczekiwane spotkanie. Hank dzieli się złymi wieściami z detektywem Timem Robertsem.
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4x6 - Przyparci do ściany
Skyler dokonuje niepokojącego odkrycia. Tymczasem Walter Jr popycha swego ojca do wątpliwego zakupu, a Jesse oferuje Mike'owi pomoc.
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4x7 - Kulawy pies
Sfrustrowany Walt stawia na nowy ryzykowny plan. Przedsięwzięcie biznesowe Skyler napotyka na trudności. Hank rekrutuje Waltera Jr na niezwykłą wycieczkę.
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4x8 - Bracia
Skyler znajduje niezwykłe rozwiązanie swoich kłopotów finansowych. Hank werbuje Walta do zbadania swej teorii. Niecierpliwość Walta w stosunku do Jessego rośnie.
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4x9 - Pluskwa
Dawne błędy Skyler zaczynają ją prześladować. Gus podejmuje działania w celu unieszkodliwienia rywali. Jesse szuka pomocy Walta, z różnymi skutkami.
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4x10 - Na zdrowie
Rodzina Walta martwi się o niego, gdyż nie pojawił się na urodzinach Walta Juniora. Jesse sprawdza swoje umiejętności w laboratorium bez pomocy pana White'a.
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4x11 - Piwnica
Walt podejmuje zdecydowane działania, aby chronić swoją tajemnicę oraz Gusa. Skyler zmierzająca do rozwiązania problemów finansowych Teda trafia na przeszkodę.
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4x12 - Pora kończyć
Hank nakłania Gomeza do realizacji jednego, ostatniego pomysłu, podczas gdy Walt stara się chronić rodzinę. Jesse dostaje alarmujące wiadomości i pędzi na spotkanie z panem White.
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4x13 - Bez twarzy
Następuje ostateczna rozgrywka z Gusem. Walt odnajduje nieoczekiwanego sojusznika dzięki pomocy Saula
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5x1 - Żyj wolny lub giń
As Walt deals with the aftermath of the Casa Tranquila explosion, Hank works to wrap up his investigation of Gus' empire.
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5x2 - Madrigal
Walt and Jesse seek out an unlikely partner for a new business venture. The DEA follows up new leads in its investigation.
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5x3 - Rekompensata
Walt and Jesse put a business plan into action. Walt confesses a secret to Marie.
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5x4 - Pięćdziesiąt jeden
Walt celebrates another birthday. Skyler considers her options. An associate complicates Walt and Jesse's plan.
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5x5 - Fracht martwy
Walt's team must get creative to obtain the materials they need to continue their operation.
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5x6 - Wykup
Walt, Jesse, and Mike struggle over the future of their business, as occupational hazards weigh on Jesse.
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5x7 - Powiedz moje imię
Walt takes control of business matters as Mike grapples with the consequences of his actions.
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5x8 - Prześlizgując się ponad wszystkim
Walt ties up loose ends. Seeing the evidence of his success, he makes a startling and dangerous decision.
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5x9 - Krwawa forsa
As Walt and Jesse adjust to life out of the business, Hank grapples with a troubling lead.
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5x10 - Pogrzebany
While Skyler's past catches up with her, Walt covers his tracks. Jesse continues to struggle with his guilt.
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5x11 - Wyznania
Jesse decides to make a change, while Walt and Skyler try to deal with an unexpected demand.
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5x12 - Wściekły pies
An unusual strategy starts to bear fruit, while plans are set in motion that could change everything.
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5x13 - To'hajiilee
Things heat up for Walt in unexpected ways.
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5x14 - Ozymandiasz
Everyone copes with radically changed circumstances.
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5x15 - Granitowy stan
Events set in motion long ago move toward a conclusion.
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5x16 - Felina
All bad things must come to an end.
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Style: Transparent Style (Author: DeadSix27)